Thursday, April 19, 2012

Socratic Seminar Statements, All Quiet on the Western Front

Good citizens should be willing to die for their country.  Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

War is a constant; there is nothing we can do to prevent it.  Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

Powerful nations have the right to impose their will upon other countries. 
Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

Peace should always be mantained.   Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

Schools should teach children to comply with their government. 
Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

War is a dehumanizing experience.  Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

Antiwar books should be censored or banned.  Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

Just wars do not exist.  Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]

Most people take peace for granted.  Agree [  ]  Disagree [  ]